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Private companies

Ports, mining industry, oil companies, shipping companies, Fintech, banks, telephone companies, credit cards, universities, closed neighborhoods, sport clubs, gyms, co-working spaces chains, corporate buildings, service stations, shopping centers, pharmacy chains, big stores, airports, schools, medical supplies industry.

Add health care services to your usares, customers and workers

 Improve the life quality of the citizens, users, customers and workers in your company.



Boost medical attention reaching new places.
Provide technological innovation in health care.
Promote welfare and sustainable lifestyle.
Achieve a better scope in medical attention, of prevention and promotion of health.
Improve access to multiple specialists in remote areas with limited health care resources.
Relieve waiting rooms in hospitals and health centers.
Optimize medical resources and diagnosis.

Other types of clients

Empresas de telemedicina

Empresas que prestan el servicio de salud digital y cuentan con sus propias plataformas de tele consultas médicas.

Prestadoras de salud

Hospitales, clínicas, y sanatorios privados de pequeñas y medianas urbes. Para garantizar el derecho a la salud.


Entidades privadas que ofrecen servicios de salud. Empresas de medicina prepaga y servicios pre hospitalarios.